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Inclusion-Body Myositis

Course #: 03-2433

Price: $27.00

Take the Exam 

CE Credit Hours: 3.00 Continuing Education Credit Hours

Take the Exam 

How to Take This Course:

  • 1 View Course Worksheet -  View the course worksheet or print it out to review later
  • 2 Read the Course Material -  As you read through, mark your answers on the course worksheet to be prepared for the exam
  • 3 Take Exam -  You must achieve a score of 70% or higher in order to earn credit for the course.
  • You don't need to pay for an exam until AFTER you pass it. If you have any questions or need more information, please click here.

CEU Course Description

Inclusion Body Myositis (IBM) is an idiopathic inflammatory myopathy, characterized by its inclusion within a group of muscle diseases that also includes polymyositis, dermatomyositis, and autoimmune necrotizing myopathies. Symptoms of IBM often include muscle weakness, particularly targeting the wrist, fingers, quadriceps, and anterior tibialis. Additional medical and physiological complexities, such as dysphagia and pulmonary complications, further complicate the condition. Diagnosing IBM requires a comprehensive understanding of its symptoms, underlying causes, and progression. The prevalence and life expectancy associated with IBM highlight the chronic nature of this disease, impacting the quality of life significantly. This course will cover the pharmaceutical considerations necessary for managing IBM, emphasizing the importance of a multidisciplinary team in treatment. Studies have shown the benefits of aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercises on serum CPK levels and inflammation, shedding light on exercise tolerance in IBM patients. Extensive research and literature provide valuable insights into IBM, guiding physical therapy treatment considerations and recommendations. Various resources will be made available to support the understanding and management of IBM throughout this course, preparing physical therapists and assistants to rehabilitate patients with IBM.

CEU Course Objectives

  1. Recognize the primary symptoms of IBM, including muscle weaknesses in specific areas such as the wrist, fingers, quadriceps, and anterior tibialis.
  2. Recall the progression of IBM and its impact on quality of life
  3. Identify and utilize various resources available for supporting IBM patients and their caregivers
  4. Recall applying physical therapy treatment considerations and recommendations for IBM patients
CEU Course Outline

Introduction – 5 minutes

  • Overview of the course and objectives.

Background Information – 10 minutes

  • What is Inclusion-Body Myositis (IBM)?
  • Pathophysiology and Etiology

Classification of Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies – 5 minutes

  • Overview of different types.

Symptoms – 15 minutes

  • Focus on Muscle Weakness, Prevalence, Life Expectancy, and Prognosis.

Section 1 Summary – 5 minutes

  • Key points from Section 1.

Clinical Picture and Medical Management – 35 minutes

  • Clinical Presentation and Medical Tests (15 minutes)
  • Progression of IBM (10 minutes)
  • Quality of Life, Medical Complications, and Management (10 minutes)

Section 2 Summary – 5 minutes

  • Key points from Section 2.

Physical Therapy Management – 60 minutes

  • Examination and Outcome Measures (20 minutes)
  • Research on Aerobic Conditioning and Muscle Strengthening (20 minutes)
  • Exercise Tolerance and Treatment Suggestions (20 minutes)

Section 3 Summary – 5 minutes

  • Key points from Section 3.

Resources and Literature – 10 minutes

  • Patient Resources, Literature, and Future Studies.

Section 4 Summary – 5 minutes

  • Key points from Section 4.

Case Studies and Reflections – 20 minutes

  • Case Study 1 with Reflection and Responses (10 minutes)
  • Case Study 2 with Reflection and Responses (10 minutes)

Conclusion – 10 minutes

  • Recap of the course, final thoughts, and references.

Total Time: 3 hours

Instruction Level: Introductory

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Course Date: 2024-08-14

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System Requirements

In order to view this course, you will need to be able to view a PDF document for the course material. If your device doesn't have the capability to view a PDF, you can click here to download Adobe Acrobat for free.

Special Needs

If you require ADA or other special needs accommodations, please contact us by email: support@flextherapistceus.com or by phone 1-800-413-9636, so arrangements can be made.

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